
Linda Evans as Audra Barkley

The Big Valley was a great TV show from the 1960's. Lee Majors as the cool Heath Barkley, Peter Breck as the "never back down" Nick Barkley and of course the bonus was seeing Linda Evans as the super hot Audra Barkley.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...AANNDDDDDD---Don't forget Mr. RICHARD LONG as the {ALWAYS} unwavering, laid back, totally classy, master wordsmith AND the man with all the answers, OLDEST BROTHER JARROD (Barkley):Attorney At Law. In my opinion, one of the best characters -- not to mention, a VERY well-acted role/if not THE best acted part of the show (for which he never gets enough credit) and the MOST UNDER-RATED actor/character portrayel on the show... I would say Richard Long is the quintessential actor to play the Jarrod Barkley Character becuase he's the quintessential professional actor. He always delivers his part in a way that perfectly articulates, channels, and creates enlightenment through his role (based on the unique and genuine manner in which he plays it)that provides us/the audience with the SPECIAL attributes associated with his particular character's personality. The audeince gets to be enlightened by his intellectuality, his almost perfect annunciation and dialect of the (spoken...of course) english language. If the family didn't have Jarrod to provide and share his positive skills and personal traits with them the show just wouldn't be the same. His sensibility and innate perceptiveness, rationale and probably most importantly his keen sense and susceptibility to know know EXACTLY what is inherently right or what is inherently wrong is just plain uncanny. The Barkley family, and therefore the "Big Valley" TV show would not be the same if they didn't have the usual scenes, which usually took place at the end of the show where Jarrod would share his level of susceptibility and nonchalant attitude and thoughts. Great Character, Great Actor, show just wouldn't be the same without him. It's really too bad that he died in the early 70's due to his bad heart, which he unfairly was born with. I'm sure the chain smoking and drinking on top of all that didn't help any. Well, thanks for listening. I just had to make this point. To forget Richard Long (Jarrod Barkley) would have just been A SHAME. Take care all....and GO BIG VALLEY!! GREAT TV WESTERN!